Post mid-air fight with Kapil Sharma, actor-comedian Sunil Grover along with Ali Asgar and Chandan Prabhakar boycotted Sony TV's 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. Since then, there were constant rumors of Sunil Grover comeback on TV. And now, if recent reports are to be believed then, Sunil may be back on TV with the upcoming season of Sony TV's reality show 'Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega'.

Sunil Grover aka Doctor Mashhoor Gulati

Yes, you read that right!

Reportedly, Sunil Grover has been approached to host the sixth season of the popular reality show, Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega. While the last season was hosted by Krushna Abhishek and Mona Singh, the makers are considering Grover to replace them in the next.

The Kapil Sharma Show 100th Episode: Kapil & Siddhu THANK Sunil Grover, Ali & Chandan requesting to get back!

According to an entertainment portal, "Anu Malik and Farah Khan are likely to continue as judges, though the makers are looking at bringing in some more people. After the Kapil Sharma-Sunil fight, the channel has promised Sunil that they will offer him any upcoming show. So, there are chances of him hosting this show, which is slated to air post IPL in June."

Sunil Grover with Kapil Sharma (Photo: Sony TV)

WATCH: When Sunil Grover TRICKS Sunny Leone into giving him a TIGHT HUG!

Sources further told DNA that Preeti Simoes, who parted ways with Kapil Sharma’s production house, is planning to produce a 26-episode series. “The show will have Sunil Grover, Ali Asgar and Chandan Prabhakar who quit Kapil’s show. The only problem right now, is all of them are individually busy with their other commitments. Ali will be travelling, Sunil is intermittently performing shows and Chandan is busy with a Punjabi film. Once they get the time, they will sit together and decide on it. Preeti and the actors are being approached individually and together by various channels.

Sunil has been tight-lipped about his future projects but confirmed that he will definitely not return to The Kapil Sharma Show.

If this news turned out to be true then it will be a treat for the fans of Sunil Grover!