According to a source close to the show, the two along with actor Arjit Taneja, who earlier played the role of Purab in the Zee TV entertainer, will leave for Thailand on Friday. Meanwhile, actor Shabbir Ahluwalia will bring in the New Year with his family.
Sriti Jha's alleged beau Kunal Karan Kapoor has also accompanied them to Thailand.
Leena has shared a picture from their tour on Instagram and captioned it as, " Thailand day 1."
With Pragya, Shabbir and Leena not available on the set, the other cast and crew members of "KumKum Bhagya" have decided to take a four-day break.
"We have kept a bank of episodes ready for the New Year's week so that everyone is able to welcome 2017 with their loved ones. Usually, we have one or two days off but for the first time, the entire team including cast and crew are on leave for four days," the source said.