New Delhi: Here comes the another shocking news from the house Colors TV reality show Bigg Boss 10. As earlier in the day we told you that Swami Om has taken an emergency exit. He has been taken to hospital for MRI as he complained Bigg Boss that he is not able to hear anything after Rohan slapped him. Makers have now taken him for the check-up.
Now as per the latest update, Rohan Mehra has demanded to quit the show. This is very shocking but true. Rohan has taken this step after Bigg Boss punished him and nominated him for slapping Swami Om. Although Bani J, Gaurav Chopra, Lopamudra, Monalisa Antra and other housemates are supporting him for what he did with Swami Om.
Rohan locked himself inside the washroom and cried badly. He was not coming out and finally Bigg Boss called him in the confession room. Rohan then demanded from Bigg Boss to let him quit the show. He also said that he doesn’t care about the breach of the contract. Actually, if any contestant leaves the house going against the wish of makers, he will have to pay 2 cr. Rupees on the breach of the contract.
Talking about this , Rohan also said that he doesn’t care about 2crore rupees. In the confession room he said that Bigg Boss is being partial towards the commoners . Rohan said that every time celebrities have to suffer.
Not just this, Rohan also called the show scripted. He also said that he will take legal action for supporting the commoners.
After coming out of confession room, Rohan has again locked himself in the washroom.
What do you guys think? Should Rohan Mehra quit the show or not?