Supernatural show 'Vish Ya Amrit: Sitara', featuring Adaa Khan & Arhaan Behll in lead roles of 'Sitara' & 'YUvraj' respectively, went on air in December last year and failed to fetch expected numbers on the TRP charts. The makers are trying their level best to make the show more interesting by introducing many twists & turns but things are still not working in the show's favor. These days 'Sitara' is making headlines due to the overnight exit of talented actors Shakti Anand aka 'Raja Ratan Singh' & Falaq Naaz aka 'Chhabili' from the Colors show.

(Photo: Colors)

The actors are disappointed with 'Sitara' makers as they were informed about the exit at the last moment.

Shakti Anand, who has featured in various popular shows like 'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi', 'Saara Akaash', 'Ek Ladki Anjaani Si', 'Maharana Pratap', 'Balika Vadhu' among others, was not happy with his track since the show's beginning & he had been in talks with 'Sitara' makers regarding the same since then. Still, Shakti was informed about his exit after he shot his death scene.

Speaking abut the same, Shakti told a leading daily that, "I wasn’t informed about it till I shot my death scene. I had been in talks with the makers regarding my track a month after the show went on air in December. I was pushing them to make me understand why they had signed me in the first place, as the role had nothing to offer. I didn’t want to travel for hours to reach the set and feel tortured. My wife (Sai Deodhar) would ask me every day about the shoot, hoping that I must have done something concrete, but I was doing nothing other than standing in a puja, shaadi or birthday."

Shakti Anand

Naagin 3: Actor announces exit from the show with an emotional post!

He further added, "I told the makers that if I didn’t have a role to play, then they should bring it to an end, but I had no clue that it would unfold in such a manner. Just a month ago, they had told me that they had great plans for my character and the story would revolve around me."

Falaq Naaz, who also has featured in many shows including 'Sasural Simar Ka' and 'Mahakali - Anth Hi Aarambh Hai', is disturbed with the way she moved out of 'Sitara'.

She said, "Why is an actor expected to inform the makers in advance when they want to quit a project, while producers can axe any character overnight without prior intimation? All I expect as an artiste is to be informed about my exit in advance. I learnt about my exit a day before I shot the last scene, but no one from the team told me about it. Even today, I am waiting for the creative team to get in touch with me."

Falaq Naaz

Falaq further told TOI that, , "I understand that it could be the demand of the story, but at least inform the artiste. After seeing my fate, my co-actors are also worried if they will also be treated in a similar fashion. This is the first time I have faced something like this in my career. This has instilled fear in me for the future."

However, the makers are yet to react on the same.

Stay tuned for more updates!