Eka Kapoor's popular Zee TV show 'Kumkum Bhagya', featuring Shabir Ahluwalia & Sriti Jha in the lead roles of 'Abhi' & 'Pragya' respectively, recently introduced a generation leap. Post the leap, Mugdha Chapekar & Naina Singh entered 'Kumkum Bhagya' as Abhi & Pragya's daughters 'Prachi' & 'Riya' respectively. Even after the leap, 'Kumkum Bhagya' has managed to sustain its position in TRP charts. If latest buzz is to be believed, the makers will soon introduce a new character in 'Kumkum Bhagya'.
(Photo: Zee TV)
According to an entertainment portal, senior actress Neena Cheema is set to enter 'Kumkum Bhagya' in which she will be seen as Pragya's support system.
Sriti Jha to play double role in Kumkum Bhagya? DEETS INSIDE!
The IWMBuzz report further states that, "Neena has been roped in to play the role of a Gujarati land lady. Pragya (Sriti Jha) who has come down to Delhi will get associated with this lady and will also live in her rented portion of the house."
Neena Cheema (Photo: Instagram)
However, Neena Cheema actress is yet to react on the same.
Well, the senior actress was recently seen playing the role of Shakti Arora aka Kunal's grandmother Yamini in the first season of popular Colors show 'Silsila Badalte Rishton Ka' also featuring Drashti Dhami & Aditi Sharma in lead roles. Whereas, she is currently seen in the second season of popular ALTBalaji web-series 'Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain'.
After Sriti Jhan in 'Kumkum Bhagya', Shabir Ahluwalia to ROMANCE these HOT actresses in his next project!
Neena Cheema with 'Silsila...' co-stars (Photo: Instagram)
Now, it'll be interesting to see how the story line of 'Kumkum Bhagya' will shape-up post Neena Cheema's entry.
Stay tuned for more updates!