New Delhi: Versatile actor Shreyas Talpade’s plate has been quite full what with shooting for a TV series as well as an upcoming film. Time and again he has proved that his focus on his performances – be it serious roles or comic – remains unmatched.
He has been dedicated to his performance in a limited TV series called ‘My Name Ijj Lakhan’, even as he juggled his back-to-back shooting schedules for his upcoming movie ‘Setters’.
Recently, while shooting for a wrestling scene for ‘My Name Ijj Lakhan’, the actor is believed to have injured his shoulder. Shreyas was in immense pain after the shot and had to take a break because of it, as his cast and crew members got concerned about the injury.
According to a source, Shreyas was in pain for quite some time, and a doctor was called on set. “Shreyas was advised by the doctor to rest for a couple of days due to the injury and extreme strain caused to his shoulder. However, he continued to shoot like a thorough professional, and kept everybody’s morale up,” the source said.
The actor took a couple of painkillers and finished his shoot schedule for the day, and went ahead with all his other work commitments despite the pain and discomfort.
Shreyas was last seen in the 2017 comedy film ‘Golmaal Again’ will soon be seen in a serious avatar in director Ashwini Chaudhary’s ‘Setters’ and a slice-of-life light-hearted family entertainer titled ‘Teen Do Paanch’ this year.