TV star Faisal Khan, who rose to fame with 'Dance India Dance Li'l Masters 2' & 'Bharat Ka Veer Putra – Maharana Pratap', recently confirmed that he is in love with Jaipur based model Muskaan Kataria. Ever since then, the much-in-love is making headlines. Recently, there were reports that the 21-year-old actor-dancer is in talks to participate in 'Nach Baliye 9' with girlfriend Muskaan. Now, the cute couple has come together for their first-ever couple photo shoot and their chemistry is very much visible in the pictures.

PICS: Faisal Khan & girlfriend Muskaan Kataria look stunning in their first photo shoot together!
Faisal with girlfriend Muskaan (Photo: Instagram)

Faisal captioned the picture as, "A day when I actually didn't have to look forward to breaks to get on phone calls with you, super excited for our first work shoot together! #BrandShoot #ShootLife @muskaankataria"

Take a look at the picture below:

'Maharana Pratap' actor Faisal Khan & girlfriend Muskaan Kataria to participate in 'Nach Baliye 9'?

Faisal's ladylove Muskaan too posted a picture from the photo shoot on Instagram with the caption, "Finally our first shoot together! ❤ Our onscreen chemistry is killing it, Indeed."

Check out the picture here:

Aren't Faisal & Muskaan looking perfect together?

While revealing his love-story few days ago, Faisal also revealed that his family has approved the relationship and it was his mother who first gauged his feelings for Muskaan.

Faisal as 'Maharana Pratap' (Photo: Web)

On the professional front, Faisal has been a part of reality shows like 'DID Dance Ka Tashan', 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 8', 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 7' among others and was last seen as a contestant in 'Dance Champions' which aired on 'Star Plus' last year.