New Delhi: Bigg Boss 11 winner Shilpa Shinde, who constantly supported Sreesanth during his stint in BB 12, hosted the former cricketer, his wife and few other Bigg Boss 12 contestants- Jasleen Matharu and Anup Jalota for dinner at her place. It was fun-filled night as the ‘Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain’ actress cooked Maharashtrian delicacies for them.

Jasleen took to Instagram to share a lovely picture from the get-together and also thank Shilpa for the delicious dinner. The caption of the photo read, ‘’ bout last night ???? Thank you Shilpa Di for lovely Maharashtrian food.. loved it ???? @shilpa_shinde_official @sreesanthnair36 @jalotaanup @ashutoshshindephotography #Bhuvaneshwaribhabhi.’’

Jasleen, Shilpa, Bhuvneshwari and Sreesanth can be seen smiling in the picture. Check out the photo right here!

Bhuvneshwari also shared a photo from the get together on Twitter and captioned it as ''#OneYearOfWinnerShilpa.'' Check out the photo!

Sreesanth, who was recently seen in Zee 5’s ‘Cabaret’, had a gala time with other Bigg Boss 12 contestants-Megha Dhade, Kirti Verma, Roshmi Banik, Shivashish Mishra, Jasleen Matharu at the film’s screening in Mumbai.

Anup Jalota also shared a couple of pictures on his Instagram where he can be seen having a gala time with other BB 12 contestants at the dinner table.

(Swipe right to see the pictures)

It’s good to see the Bigg Boss 12 contestants maintaining their bond even after the show has ended.

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