TV actor Shail Mehta, who is best known as 'Yuvraj' from popular 'Star Plus' show 'Suhani Si Ek Ladki', is currently seen playing the role of 'Sameer' in the top-rated 'Colors' show 'Shakti-Astitva Ke Ehsaas Kii'. The makers are set to introduce another show in the 'Colors' show and Sahil's character go through a huge change.
Rubina in 'Shakti' (Photo: Web)
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The latest reports suggest that, Sahil aka 'Sameer' will turn negative in the show as Saumya (Rubina Dilaik' will reject his love proposal.
According to an entertainment portal, "Sameer will now turn negative now that his love isn't reciprocated. It will so happen that after he confesses his love to Soumya and that he wants to marry her, she slaps her in front of everyone. This does not go down well with Sameer and he will want to to get Soumya by hook or crook."
Sahil Mehta (Photo: Web)
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The India Forums report further states that, "He will plot things so that Harman and Soumya will not meet any how. He even misguides Harman telling him that Soumya is not in Ludhiana."
Sahil with 'Shakti' co-star Vivian (Photo: Colors)
The new twist is surely going to be very interesting! What do you think? Do tell us in the comment section below.