New Delhi: Popular TV actress Saumya Tandon welcomed her first child with husband Saurabh Devendra Singh on January 14. The new parents are over the moon after the arrival of their little bundle of joy. The ‘Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain’ actress shared first pictures of her newly born son on social media, making the fans go aww. As soon as Saumya shared the post, fans and celebs congratulated her for becoming a mother.

Saumya has shared another adorable picture of her baby boy and this time, she has asked the fans to suggest a good name for her child.  The ‘Jab We Met’ actress requested the fans to suggest her a unique name with a great meaning.

PIC ALERT! Here's another CUTE photo of Saumya Tandon's newly born son

The beautiful actress also said that if she selected anybody’s name, he/she will receive a gift from her ‘little prince’.

‘’My little munchkin needs a name. We have not been able to decide. Common let your suggestions pour. Need your help. If I choose your name, My little prince will send you a gift????Hint hint: name should be unique, small and should have a great meaning,’’ the caption of the post read.

Check out the post!

We extend our heartiest congratulations to Saumya and Saurabh and hope they select a beautiful and unique name for their cutie pie.

Watch this space for more updates!

MUST SEE- Karan V Grover shares INSIDE hospital PICTURE of Saumya Tandon’s baby boy while he sleeps in peace