After Rohit Purohit-Sheena Bajaj, 'Dance India Dance' fame Prince Gupta, Hitesh Bhardwaj among others, another TV celeb is now all set to get married. TV actress Kajol Srivastava, who played the role of 'Vaidehi' in long-running Colors show 'Sasural Simar Ka', got engaged to beau Ankit Khare in Novembers last year and now the couple will tying the knot this month. The TV actress, who was last seen in 'Karmphal Data Shani', will be getting hitched with Ankit on 23rd February in Madhya Pradesh.

Kajol Srivastava (Photo: Instagram)

The couple's pre-wedding festivities will begin on 21st February with mehndi ceremony. Post which, haldi and sangeet ceremonies will take place on 22nd February whereas a pool party will be held the next day.

PICS & VIDEO: ‘Dance India Dance’ fame Prince Gupta gets married to girlfriend Sonam Ladia!

Confirming the same and speaking about tying the knot in Khajuraho in Madhya Pradhesh,  Kajol to a leading daily that, “It’s a beautiful place boasting of a rich history with famous temples. I have always loved the place and felt that it would be a great destination for me to get married.

Kajol with fiance Ankit (Photo: Instagram)

Speaking about their honeymoon plans, Kajol further told TOI that, “Ankit will leave immediately after the wedding for America where he works. So, I have invited close industry friends for my wedding. Even the honeymoon plans are on hold keeping in mind his return.

Kajol with her 'Shani' co-stars (Photo: Instagram)

For the uninitiated, Kajol's fiance Ankit Khare is an IT engineer by profession. He is the brother-in-law of Kajol's sister & they first met each other during the wedding of actress' sister. Before getting engaged last year, the couple was in a long distance relationship for four years and Ankit has been working in US.

Stay tuned for more updates!