Much-loved comedian Kapil Sharma finally, who recently made his TV comeback with second season of 'The Kapil Sharma Show', tied the knot with ladylove Ginni Chatrath on 12th December in a Hindu ceremony whereas the couple got married again in an Anand Karaj ceremony on 13th December. Post which, the newlyweds hosted wedding receptions in Amritsar and Mumbai. Last night (2nd February), Kapil & Ginni hosted their third wedding reception in Delhi which was attended by various actors, sport stars and politicians.

Kapil-Ginni wedding picture (Photo: Instagram)

Many known names including Sohail Khan, Mika Singh, Suresh Raina, Yuvraj Singh, Vatsal Sheth, Daler Mehndi among others were present at Kapil & Ginni's Delhi reception.

Last night, Kapil posted a stunning picture with wife Ginni revealing their look for the reception. In the picture, newlyweds Kapil & Ginni are looking stunning together while twinning in blue. The picture has been captioned as, "Celebrations are unstoppable.. need ur blessings #love #blessings #family #friends #delhi #reception #celebrations #gratitude  @ginnichatrath ❤️"

Check out Kapil's post below:

Take a look at some more pictures & videos from the couple's Delhi reception below (SWIPE LEFT):

PICS: Kapil Sharma & Ginni Chatrath celebrate first Lohri post-wedding!

On the professional front, Kapil Sharma is basking in the success of 'The Kapil Sharma Show' second season which is fetching great numbers on the TRP charts. After going through many hurdles in his personal & professional life last year, Kapil Sharma's luck is finally favoring him and this is indeed a great news for his fans.