After Mansi Shama, Lovey Sasan, Surbhi Tiwari & Palak Jain, another TV actress has now got hitched. TV actress Kajol Sivastava, who was seen playing the role of Vaidehi in Dipika Kakar Ibrahim starrer popular Colors show 'Sasural Simar Ka', tied the knot with beau Ankit Khare yesterday (23rd February) in Madhya Pradesh. The much-in-love couple, who got engaged in November last year, got hitched in a traditional ceremony in the presence of their families & close-friends. Kajol & Ankit's first wedding picture is out and the couple is looking super-happy in it.

Kajol with 'Sasural Simar Ka' co-star Dipika Kakar (Photo: Instagram)

Take a look at the first picture below:

Kajol-Ankit wedding picture

The couple's pre-wedding festivities began on 21st February with mehndi ceremony. Post which, haldi and sangeet ceremonies took place on 22nd February. Take a look at some pictures & videos from the couple's haldi & sangeet ceremonies (SWIPE LEFT):

PICS & VIDEOS: 'Sasural Simar Ka' actress Kajol Srivastava's fun-filled bachelorette party!

Kajol Srivastava haldi picture

Kajol Srivastava haldi ceremony picture

Kajol Srivastava haldi ceremony picture

Kajol Srivastava haldi picture

For the uninitiated, Kajol's fiance Ankit Khare is an IT engineer by profession. He is the brother-in-law of Kajol's sister & they first met each other during the wedding of actress' sister. Before getting engaged last year, the couple was in a long distance relationship for four years and Ankit has been working in US.

Kajol-Ankit engagement pic (Photo: Instagram)

On the career front, Kajol Srivastava made her TV debut with the show 'Badii Devrani' & went on to feature in shows including Colors' 'Karamphal Data Shani' and 'Sasural Simar Ka'.

Heartiest congratulations to the couple!