Popular TV actor Karan Wahi, currently seen in 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 8', seems to be on a professional high. Karan made his Bollywood debut with Parineeti Chopra & Aditya Roy Kapur's 'Daawat-e-Ishq and if recent buzz is to be believed then, he has joined the cast of US-based on-demand streaming website Netflix's web-series 'Sacred Games' starring Saif Ali Khan, Radhika Apte, Nawazuddin Siddiqui & Surveen Chawla.
Karan wahi (Photo: Instagram)
It is said that the actor will be playing a Bollywood actor and is likely to be paired opposite Radhika.
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Though there has been no official announcement on the same, but if this news turns out to be true then, it will surely be a great news for Karan Wahi's fans.
Karan has been a popular name in the entertainment industry and has been a part of various hit shows like 'Remix', 'Dill Mill Gayye', 'Kuch Toh Log Kahenge' among others.
Karan is likely to be paired opposite Radhika Apte (Photo: Instagram)
Coming back to the web-series, Sacred Games is a cop-mafia story and is being directed by Anurag Kashyap. Saif plays the main lead in the series and his name is Sartaj Singh. The show is set against the backdrop of organized crime, corruption, sexual escapades and local politics in Mumbai. Reportedly, Karan will play a Bollywood star in the show.
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Saif Ali Khan
Talking about Sacred Games, Saif Ali Khan said in a media statement, “Content in the digital space is taking over the existing dynamics at a rapid pace — the crown in the digital empire lies with Netflix, and it’s extremely satisfying to partner and participate in the first original series from India to be showcased on Netflix.”
Shot in India, the series will be produced in partnership with Phantom Films.