New Delhi: The unexpected exit of actress Alisha Parveen has once again put the immensely famous Indian TV drama ‘Anupamaa’ in the news. Fans were disappointed and confused when the show's producers abruptly switched the actress who played Raahi, the daughter of the main character Anupamaa (played by Rupali Ganguly), with another actress, Adrija Roy.
Alisha Parveen Shares Her Side of the Story
Alisha disclosed in an emotional Instagram post that the show's creators had removed her. She wrote, “Hello everyone, I didn’t quit the show #Anupama but I don’t know the reason exactly why this happened, everything was good but I don’t know why this suddenly happened, it was shocking for me too. But thank you so much for loving Raahi/Aadhya, I am so grateful to be a part of this show, I worked so hard for the character, but I don’t know what just happened, just thankyou everyone who loved me! I will miss this show from the depth of my heart."
After her abrupt replacement, Alisha talked to the Times of India about her feelings of disappointment. She shared, "It is shocking and disappointing. I am not sure what exactly happened and why I am being replaced! Today was my last day on the set of Anupamaa. It was a fantastic opportunity and everybody loved my chemistry with Shivam Khajuria. But I have no clue why I was suddenly replaced."
For the unversed, in recent months, a number of actors have left ‘Anupamaa’, including Madalsa Sharma, Sudhanshu Pandey, Kedar Aashish, Nidhi Shah, Muskan Bamne, and Gaurav Khanna, with some implying that they had trouble working with Rupali and Rajan.
'Anupamaa' has been rocking the TRP charts for years and continues to be a top-rated TV program.