One of the most iconic shows of Indian television Ramayan by Ramanand Sagar is currently on its rerun on Doordarshan. The show was re-launched amid the lockdown period due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the over three-decade-old TV series had garnered 170 million viewers in its early four shows.

And like everyone, Arvind Trivedi who played the role of Raavan in the mythological show too, is following the show and a video of him watching the scene where he kidnaps Sita is being circulated on social media.

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In the video, Arvind Trivedi, who is now 84 years old, is keenly watching the ‘sita apharan’ scene and later joins his hands and apologises to people. The scene indeed got him very emotional, take a look here:

Earlier a picture of actor Arun Govil who played Ram in the show watching rerun of Ramayan with his full family including grandchildren went viral and now fans are gushing over this post of Arvind Trivedi.

Meanwhile, Dipika Chikhlia, who plays Sita on show shared a throwback pic of the entire cast and crew from set that made fans nostalgic, take a look: