New Delhi: Popular actor Rajeev Khandelwal rose to fame with Star Plus TV show ‘Kahiin Toh Hoga’, playing the lead role of ‘Sujal’ in the show. Later on he was seen in Sony Entertainment Television’s show ‘Reporters’ having TV actress Kritika Kamra opposite him.
After that he turned to Bollywood and tried his hand in few films but could not get success there. Now as per the rumour, actor is returning to roots. Well, what we mean is that he is returning to TV and that too with strong character.
Wait till you hear this! He is not returning with one but two shows. The reports earlier said that he is currently busy shooting for the show “Rowdy Rascals” for the Life OK channel. But the currents updates are that he will be seen playing the role of a pilot named Mahesh Pandey.
Rajeev Khandelwal was last seen in Bollywood film ‘Fever’ with Gauahar Khan in the female lead role.
We are sure that many of his fans will be excited to see him once again on TV.