TV actor Kunal Jaisingh, who became a household name after playing the role of 'Omkara Singh Oberoi' in much-loved 'Star Plus' show 'Ishqbaaaz' opposite Shrenu Parikh, is dating his 'The Buddy Project' co-star Bharti Singh since a long-time now. After making their relationship official in an engagement ceremony in March earlier this year, Kunal & Bharti are now all set to take their relationship to the next level by getting married in two days on 20th December. The pre-wedding ceremonies of Kunal & Bharti's much-awaited marriage have already begun.

Kunal & Bharti's engagement pic (Photo: Instagram)

Recently, bride-to-be Bharti's mehendi ceremony took place & few pictures are doing the rounds on Internet. In the pictures from the mehendi ceremony, Bharti is looking beautiful in a yellow outfit with floral jewellary.

Check out the pictures below:

(Photo: Instagram)

Recently, a cocktail party too was organised where the soon-to-be-married couple looked stunning together. Check out few pictures from the party below:

On the career front, Kunal Jaisingh made his TV debut with Star Plus show 'Pratigya' & rose to fame after his stint in Channel V's popular youth show 'The Buddy Project'. Kunal met Bharti met each other on the show's sets, fell for each other and started dating.

For the uninitiated, Kunal played the role of Ranveer Shergill in 'The Buddy Project' & was seen romancing Palak Jain as well as Sonal Vengurlekar. Whereas Bharti played the role of 'Kiya' in the show & was paired opposite Fahad Ali who is currently seen as a contestant in 'MTV Splitsvilla 11'.

Stay tuned for updates related to Kunal & Bharti's wedding!