TV actress Anuja Sathe, who got appreciation for her role of Radha Bai, the mother of Peshwa Bajirao and Chimaji Appa, in Sony TV's 'Peshwa Bajirao' will be replaced by actress Rajeshwari Sachdev in the show post leap. And now, the 'Tamanna' actress Anuja has revealed that the real reason behind quitting the show is her husband Saurabh Gokhale.
Anuja Sathe as Radha Bai in 'Peshwa Bajirao'
Reportedly, Anuja's husband Saurabh will play the role of Bajirao's brother Chimaji Appa in the show post the leap. And, she does not want to play mother to her own husband on-screen.
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Speaking about the same, Anuja told an entertainment portal that, “For me right now it's not an appropriate time to play mother of 25 year-old-son. And I was assigned to do the show till it took the time leap.”
Anuja with husband Saurabh (Photo: Instagram)
On being asked about missing the opportunity of working with her husband on the show, Anuja further told SpotboyE that, “I would miss shooting with him. But I definitely don’t want to play his mother. We have worked together earlier and we are looking forward to work together again. So no, there are no regrets. It's just that I am going to miss this set and the production people. Especially the kids.”
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Anuja with husband Saurabh (Photo: Instagram)
Anuja also feels proud that Rajeshwari will be playing the strong character of Radha Bai after the leap in the show and said, “I am a huge fan of her. She is a fabulous actor and I am sure she will do justice to the character.”
The popular historical show 'Peshwa Bajirao' is all set for the leap. After the leap, Karan Suchak will play the grown up Bajirao while Kashi Bai will be played by Ishita Ganguly.