Veteran comedian Johnny Lever made his TV debut with SAB TV's 'Partners' last year. Apart from him, the show's cast also comprises of known names like Kiku Sharda, Vipul Roy, Kishwer Merchantt, Shweta Gulati & Ashwini Kalsekar. Reportedly Kishwer & Shweta, who are seen playing female leads opposite Kiku & Vipul, will soon make their exit the show.
Kishwer & Shweta with 'Partners' cast (Photo; Web)
According to an entertainment portal, the shows makers have planned to end their characters and change the storyline.
Speaking about the same, a source told TOI that, "The track will now be a love triangle with both the men chasing Nehha Pendse."
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When the same portal contacted Shweta to know about the same development, she said, "It’s not true. I am not informed about any such decision."
Kishwer Merchant (Photo: Instagram)
One of the leads, Vishal also reacted on the same and said that, "I am not aware if their tracks are getting over. We are here to focus on our work and who am I to decide that? The channel or the makers take that call."
Whereas, Kishwer is yet to comment on the same.
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Shweta Gulati (Photo: Instagram)
'Partners' is a comedy show in which Johnny plays the double role - one of a police commissioner and also of his own tapori informer. Vipul and Kiku works under Johny. They are different in nature but later became great friends. While one uses his physical strength to deal with criminals, the other uses his intelligence.
Coming back to the news of Kishwer & Shweta no longer part of the show, what do you think about the same? Do tell us in the comments section below! And, Stay tuned for more updates!