'Star Plus' show 'Mariam Khan - Reporting Live', starring child actress Deshna Dugad in the titular role, replaced Karan Patel-Divyanka Tripathi's 'Yeh Hai Mohabbatein' at the time slot of 7:30 pm in May this year. Ever since then, the show failed to get the expected numbers and came under the scanner. Now, the makers are set to introduce a time leap in the show after which Mahima Makwana will be seen as grown-up 'Mariam'. And now, the makers have reportedly finalized the lead actor opposite Mahima post the time-leap.
Deshna Dugad in 'Mariam Khan...' (Photo: Star Plus)
Reportedly, TV actor Param Singh will be seen romancing Mahima Makwana in 'Mariam Khan - Reporting Live'.
According to a Tellychakkar report, "Talented actor Param Singh, who is known for his great roles on TV, has been locked to play the lead opposite Mahima in the show."
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Mahima Makwana (Photo: Instagram)
However, Param as well as the makers are yet to react on the same.
Speaking about the time-leap in 'Marina Khan...', the only lead actor who will be continue to be a part of show after the leap is Sheena Bajaj. Whereas other lead actors - Avinash Mishra, Priyanka Kandwal and Paras Kalnawat have already put their papers down.
Param Singh (Photo : Web)
On the professional front, Param rose to fame after his debut show 'Sadda Haq' opposite alleged ex-girlfriend Harshita Gaur. He is away from TV ever since his popular 'Life OK' show 'Ghulaam', opposite Niti Taylor, went off-air in August last year.
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