TV actor Abhishek Sharma, who is currently playing the lead role 'Babbu Singh' in Star Bharat's top-rated show 'Nimki Mukhiya' opposite Bhumika Gurung, is now a married man. Abhishek Sharma got married to Anusha Dandekar & Shibani Dandekar's younger sister Apeksha Dandekar yesterday (9th February). The coule, who got engaged in December last year, exchanged wedding vows in the presence of their families and close-friends. Apart from bride's sisters Shibani & Anusha, known names including Karan Kundrra, Aditi Singh Sharma, Bhumika Gurung, Indraneil Sengupta among others attended the couple's wedding ceremony.

Abhishek-Apeksha engagement pic (Photo: Instagram)

Abhishek's 'Nimki Mukhiya' co-star Bhumika Gurung, who is playing the lead role of 'Nimki' in the Star Bharat' show, congratulated the newly-weds and  shared their wedding pictures on social media. In the pictures, the team of 'Nimki Mukhiya' can be seen posing with Abhishek & Apeksha.

Bhumika has captioned the pictures as, "Congratulations u both @apekshadandekar @imabhishek22 ❤️ Love u guys"

Take a look at the pictures below (SWIPE LEFT):

Abhishek Sharma-Apeksha Dandekar Marriage: Here are PICS from pre-wedding celebrations!

Here are some more pictures & videos from Abhishek & Apeksha's wedding ceremony:

(Photo: Instagram)

For the uninitiated, Abhishek & Apeksha are in love with each other even before the actor's entry in the entertainment world and it is heartening to see that they have now finally taken their relationship to the next level.

Abhishek with his 'Nimki Mukhiya' co-stars (Photo: Instagram)

On the professional front, Abhishek started his career with side roles in few shows including Channel V's 'Suvreen Guggal: Topper of The Year'. 'Nimki Mukhiya' is his first lead role and the show is doing well on the TRP charts as well. Whereas, Apeksha is a singer and has given her voice for various songs in films like 'Singh Is Bling', 'F.A.L.T.U.' among others.

Apeksha with sisters Shibani & Anusha (Photo: Instargam)

Heartiest congratulations to the couple!