New Delhi: Television actress Shraddha Arya’s wedding on November 16, became the talk of the town. The actress has been trending big on social media for her wedding and post-wedding look. She was recently spotted making her first public appearance after her wedding and her wedding glow in unmissable. She also flaunted her beautiful engagement ring.
The ‘Kundali Bhagya’ actress has been sharing posts and stories on her Instagram after her wedding and sharing a glimpse of her post wedding life with her fans. Recently, Shraddha Arya took to her Instagram and shared a video where she can be seen making halwa for her ‘beautiful new family’. She also revealed that she does not cook often but whenever she does, she pours her ‘whole heart into it’.
Shraddha Arya wrote while sharing the video, ‘I don’t cook often, but when I do, I pour my whole heart into it. For my beautiful new family. Recipe by my Bff.’
Take a look at the video here:
Shraddha also dropped some pictures from her engagement ceremony and wrote, “If you’re Married & you’re happy, Raise your hand !!!”
Take a look at some of the pictures from her wedding ceremony here:
Shraddha Arya is currently seen illustrating the role of Preeta in Ekta Kapoor’s popular TV show ‘Kundali Bhagya’ opposite Dheeraj Dhoopar.
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