Mumbai: Union Minister and former actress Smriti Irani says she is extremely proud of the fact that she never came across any gender bias while working in TV or performing her job in day-to-day politics or government.

Irani became a household name after playing Tulsi in her long-running and popular TV soap 'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi'. She then quit TV and entered politics, where she joined BJP and later became a Union Minister.

"Let me very proudly say that as a television actor, I never ever saw any gender bias. I've been in various roles in TV, writer, producer, associate director. In politics, during my organisational roles, I have never seen gender bias, within my organisation," she said.

Irani says there are days when the slightest sexist remarks she gets is on the basis of being a woman or being called 'an actor once upon'.

"Today when I am a Minister, I think the best way to deride a woman is to say 'oh you're a woman'. If you can't defeat them on the merit of the case, then I get it slightly that either I am a woman or an actor once upon," she said.