Salman Khan produced popular reality show 'Nach Baliye 9' witnessed the eviction of controversial ex-couple Vishal Aditya Singh and Madhurima Tuli last weekend. As per the latest buzz, there will be no eviction in 'Nach Baliye 9' this week and wild-card contestants will soon enter the competition. Reportedly, 'Nach Baliye 9' makers are planning to introduce four wild-card jodis, which includes two eliminated ex-couples and two new couples.
Vishal-Madhurima in 'Nach Baliye 9' (Photo: Instagram)
According to an entertainment portal, the makers have already finalised two wild-card couples and eliminated ex-jodi Vishal Aditya Singh and Madhurima Tuli will re-enter 'Nach Baliye 9' along with real-life couple Avinash Sachdev and Palak Purswani.
Speaking about the same, a source told SpotboyE that, "Four jodis are coming in very soon as wild card entries. Ex-couple, Vishal and Madhurima, who recently got eliminated, have agreed to be back on the show. Besides them, Avinash Sachdev with his girl friend, Palak Purswani is also joining the show. Urvashi and Anuj have been approached but since Urvashi is on a holiday, she hasn’t confirmed her participation yet. But if all goes well, she may be on board too."
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Avinash with ladylove Palak (Photo: Instagram)
Apart from then, show's makers are trying to rope in a hockey player as the fourth wild-card jodi.
However, the makers as well as alleged wild-card couples are yet to react on the same.
On a related note, ‘Nach Baliye 9’ is judged by Raveena Tandon-Ahmed Khan whereas hosted by Maniesh Paul and Waluscha De Sousa. The concept of ex as well as current couples is working well for the makers as 'Nach Baliye 9' is fetching decent TRPs for the channel.
Keep watching this space for more updates!
Nach Baliye 9: Vishal Aditya Singh-Madhurima Tuli & Avinash Sachdev-Palak Purswani To Enter As Wild Card Jodis?
Filmymonkey Team
Updated at:
03 Sep 2019 04:02 PM (IST)
'Nach Baliye 9' makers are planning to introduce four wild-card jodis, which includes two eliminated ex-couples and two new couples.
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