Ekta Kapoor's 4th installment of her 'Naagin' series is soon to hit small screens and while everyone awaits to see who replaces the lead cast of 'Naagin 3' in the new season, one actress is confirmed to be part of the show and that is Nia Sharma. The 'Jamai Raja' actress even confirmed it herself a while ago but while the fans wanted to see their hot favorite in 'Naagin' avatar, she revealed will in fact not play a shape-shifting snake in 'Naagin 4'. Amid all the reports surrounding Nia's character in the show, a picture surfaced on social media recently, claiming to be the leaked first look of Nia as 'Naagin' in Season 4. Some portals reported it as Nia's first leaked look but it finally turns out that the picture is indeed morphed.

Nia's face has been superimposed on 'Naagin 3' lead Surbhi Jyoti's character 'Bela's screenshot from the previous season and these pictures prove that.

Here is Nia's viral picture being claimed as her leaked Naagin 4 look:

Nia Sharma's photoshopped face on Surbhi Jyoti's 'Naagin 3' Bela-look, being claimed as Nia's first leaked look from 'Naagin 4'

And here's Bela(Surbhi Jyoti) from 'Naagin 3' in almost the same frame if not exactly:

Surbhi Jyoti in 'Naagin 3' as Bela

You can clearly see Nia's face put on Surbhi's picture in the viral version which is being circulated by the fanclubs of Naagin 4. The ornaments, hair, maang tika and the white Naagin-attire are all same in both the pictures. The color tone of the face and body also differ completely.

One fanclub handle captioned the viral picture- "Naagmani ko bachana hoga Usse sirf tum bacha sakti ho.. Wada karo..."

But the Naagin-fans have also figured that the picture is in fact photoshopped and they have been asking the fanclub to not edit Surbhi's pictures from 'Naagin 3' while still praising the creative work by the handle.

Naagin 4 fans react to Nia Sharma's fake leaked look viral picture

Naagin 4 fans react to Nia Sharma's fake leaked look viral picture

In the latest update regarding the second lead Naagin of 'Naagin 4' is that 'Dil Se Dil Tak' actress Jasmin Bhasin might join Nia while Ankita Lokhande's name and before that Aalisha Panwar was speculated to be the female lead alongside Nia.

'Naagin 4' is reportedly airing from December 7th on Colors TV. No official announcement has been made in regard with the premiere yet.

Read | Naagin 4: Not Ankita Lokhande, Jasmin Bhasin Joins Nia Sharma As Other LEAD?

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Also  | Naagin 4: Geetanjali Tikekar & Rakhi Vijan To Be PART Of Nia Sharma's Show

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