New Delhi: Colors TV’s top rated show ‘Naagin 3’ has been quite a hit amongst the audience since the start. Some days back we told about the twist that audience witnessed this weekend. Mahir (Pearl V Puri) will decide to get separated from her. Bella too distances herself from Mahir after knowing that she has fallen in love with him.

In the upcoming episodes, we will see Bela realising her love for Maahir (Pearl V Puri). But the biggest twist is that Sumitra (Rakshanda Khan) is not a simple human being. She turns out to be a witch and the biggest enemy of Bela.

According to report of, “Sumitra will be showcased as the witch who pretended to be a human just to become close to the Naagmani. Bela (Surbhi Jyoti) is the Naagrani who is trying to save the Naagmani. However, Sumitra is her biggest hurdle. As a result, Sumitra becomes Bela’s biggest enemy.”

Are you excited for this new twist?