Actor Bikram Chattopadhya got seriously injured while his co-rider in his car, his alleged girlfriend model Sonika Chauhan died in a deadly accident in Kolkata.

Miss India finalist Sonika Chauhan died when their car met with an accident on Saturday at Lake Mall in Kolkata.

She was travelling in a Toyota Corolla Altis with her alleged friend and actor Bikram Chattopadhya.

Chattopadhya hit the divider and climbed on to the pavement on Rashbehahi Avenue.

Sonika and Bikram's curshed Toyota car after the accident

A student of La Martiniere Girls school, Sonika was part of the 2013 Miss Diva competition. Sonika was one of the hosts of 'Pro Kabaddi World Cup 2016' and the 28 year old was a well known model in India’s fashion circuit.

According to sources, both of them were rushed to the nearby hospital where Sonika was declared dead.

Bikram, who reportedly sustained head injuries, was released from hospital initially but had to be admitted later when he complained of discomfort.

Apart from sports anchoring, Sonika was also a VJ on channel V.

With inputs from ANI