TV actor Paras Kalnawat, who was seen playing the lead role in 'Star Plus' show 'Meri Durga' opposite Srishti Jain, was in a relationship with his co-actress from the show Urfi javed. The couple was quite open about the relationship. Known for playing the role of 'Sanjay' in the show, Paras was dating Urfi who played the role of his best-friend 'Aarti' on the show. But the latest reports suggest that the much-in-love couple have parted ways & are no more together.

Paras in 'Meri Durga' (Photo: Star Plus)

According to an entertainment portal, Paras Kalnawat is once again single. But, the reason behind their breakup is not yet known.

Speaking about the same, a source Tellychakkar that, "The bond they shared had weakened and thus they recently broke up."

Urfi Javed (Photo: Instagram)

When the same portal contacted Paras to know about his split with Urfi, he said that, “I don’t want to comment on this news as of now.

Whereas, Urfi has not yet reacted on the same!

Paras Kalnawat (Photo: Instagram)

Here are some of their pictures together:

The actors are on a break after the 'Star Plus' show wen-off air last month.

Coming back to the couple's break-up, this is indeed a bad news for their fans!