TV actress Ekta Kaul, who was last seen playing the lead role of 'Riya' in popular Star Plus show 'Mere Angne Mein', was in the limelight for her personal life earlier this year. In February, Ekta posted a picture on her social media account in which she is holding someone's hand and declared that she's in love, without revealing the name or face of her 'mystery guy'. According to latest reports, Ekta is dating well-known actor Sumeet Vyas, who is best known for playing lead in the web-series 'Permanent Roommates'.

Ekta Kaul in 'Mere Angne Mein' (Photo: Web)

Yes, you read that right!

According to an entertainment portal, "The duo is dating since some time now. It is still unknown about how they met but they are going strong."

Sumeet Vyas (Photo: Web)

The report also suggests that the couple are already engaged & will soon tie the knot. Speaking about the same, a source told the portal that, “They exchanged rings this February.

As reported above, Ekta too announced the news of being in a relationship in February this year. Check out her post here:

Speaking about the alleged couple's wedding, the source further told Tellychakkar that, "The couple is all set to tie the knot. Ostensibly, Ekta and Sumeet might exchange the vows this September. Their respective families have already accepted the couple."

Ekta Kaul (Photo: Instagram)

But when the same portal contacted Ekta to confirm the same, she denied the news of tying the knot with Sumeet. She further stated that though she is getting married in September, the guy is not Sumeet. Vyas, who is currently in Malaysia, reverted, “No comments.

Hmm...this is interesting!

Although none of them has confirmed news about relationship or wedding, the portal's sources confirm the news. So now, all we can do is to wait & watch!

Sumeet with wife Shivani Tanksale (Photo: Instagram)

For the uninitiated, Summet Vyas is already married to actress Shivani Tanksale & everything is not well between them. Last year, there were reports that the couple is heading for divorce as there were issues in their marriage. Whereas, Ekta was in a relationship with her 'Rab Se Sohna Isshq' co-actor Kanan Malhotra & they were set to marry each other. But they called it quits soon.

On the career front, Ekta is on a break after 'Mere Angne Mein' last year. Whereas, Sumeet will next be seen opposite Kareena Kapoor Khan in upcoming film 'Veere Di Wedding'.

Stay tuned for more updates!