New Delhi: Popular rapper MC Stan won the celebrity reality show 'Bigg Boss 16' in February. Post his win, the rapper along with other contestants of the show, attended a party at Farah Khan’s house. Former tennis player Sania Mirza was also present at the party, and the two bonded really well and have become friends now. Stan also performed at Sania’s retirement match in Hyderabad last month.
Sania has gifted the rapper a few expensive gifts worth Rs 1.21 lakh. He shared a picture of all the gifts given by Sania, including pair of Nike shoes worth Rs 91,000 and sunglasses worth Rs 30,000. Rapper thanked her for the gifts.
Stan took to his Instagram and shared the photos of a brand-new pair of black Nike shoes and new Balenciaga sunglasses and wrote in the caption: "Appreciate it Appa, ty @mirzasaniar" and also mentioned his famous line: "Tera ghar jayega isme!!" along with a pink heart."
MC Stan and Bigg Boss 16
The rapper, who didn’t show much interest in the show for a significant part, was applauded for being real and raw throughout the season. A section of the audience felt he was an ‘undeserving’ winner as he didn’t contribute much to the show and always wanted to quit. Reacting to this, MC Stan told Indian, “I honestly don’t care about them, mujhe fark nahi padta mama. I actually like people who get jealous. It’s a very natural emotion in a human being. One just needs to accept that this wasn’t meant for them. Just like most fans, I am also shocked but I do feel I deserved to win.”
MC Stan, whose real name is Altaf Shaikh, is also a lyricist, music producer and composer who became popular after the release of his song ‘Khuja Mat’ in 2019. He is also known for tracks such as ‘Basti Ka Hasti’, ‘Tadipar’, and ‘Gender.’