Mandira Bedi and husband Raj Kaushal recently took to their social media handle to share a perfect family picture as the couple welcomed a baby girl into their family. The actress and her husband Raj Kaushal adopted a four-year-old baby girl and named her Tara Bedi Kaushal. In her post, Mandira calls Tara like a blessing from above. She became a part of their family on July 28, 2020.

pic credit: Instagram

Tara can be seen sitting beside Mandira and Raj, while Vir stood for the photo. The couple welcomed the baby girl on 28th July 2020.

The post was captioned as ''She has come to us Like a blessing from above Our little girl, Tara. ⭐️ Four years and a bit With eyes that sparkle like stars Sister to her Vir ❣️ Welcoming her home With open arms and pure love
Grateful, thankful. blessed 🙏🏽 Tara Bedi Kaushal ❣️Became a part of our family on 28th July 2020.''

Check out the picture here:

The family of four is seen twinning in white as they flash their brightest smiles for the camera.

Mandira Bedi married director-producer Raj Kaushal in February 1999. The couple welcomed their first child Vir in 2011.

In her previous interaction with a daily, the actress revealed that she and her husband Raj wanted a sister for their son. She further added that they wish to adopt a girl who could be between two-and-a-half to four-years-old.

Our heartiest congratulations to Mandira and Raj on arrival of their baby girl in family.