New Delhi: It’s time to send congratulatory messages to TV actress Shruti Rawat as she is expecting her first child. The ‘Kya Haal Mr Panchaal’ actress, who tied the knot with Nikkhil Agawane in 2016, is pregnant. Shruti, who has featured in several comedy shows, shared the good news on social media. The ‘Bhaag Bakool Bhaag’ actress posted a picture on Instagram and flaunted her baby bump in a yellow dress.

‘’I am proud of many things in life... but nothing beats being a Mother...❤ #throwbackdecember,’’ the caption of the post read.

Check out the photo!

Fans have flooded the comments section with their warm wishes.

(Source- Instagram)

Shruti played the role of Padma/Bijli Rani, the fake sixth wife of Kanhaiya in ‘Kya Haal Mr Panchaal’.

(Source- Instagram)

On the professional front, Shruti has been part of shows like ‘Sajan Re Phir Jhoot Mat Bolo', 'Badi Door Se Aaye Hain' and ‘R.K Laxman Ki Duniya’.

We extend our heartiest congratulations to Shruti and her husband.

Several TV actresses including Chhavi Mittal, Navina Bole, Surveen Chawla are also expecting. Navina's husband hosted a pop-up party for the 'Ishqbaaaz' actress.

Stay tuned for more telly updates!

UPDATE-  'Kya Haal Mr Panchaal' actress Shruti Rawat blessed with a baby girl