Kushal Tandon has reacted to the ongoing Twitter-War between the two former 'Bigg Boss' contestants and one being his co-contestant from Bigg Boss 7. Payal Rohatgi(seen in Bigg Boss 2) and Gauahar Khan(winner of BB 7) indulged in a very ugly spat on social media over Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir just a day ago during which the former called the latter "muslim aunty" and even used her former boyfriend Kushal Tandon's name saying she tried to convert him to Islam and hence they broke up. Although Gauahar ended up blocking Payal, the latter continued to spew venom against the BB 7 winner through her videos.

All of it started with Payal's tweet that read: "If Article 370 can't be removed then ask Kashmiri Muslims to evict Kashmir. Centre should make it Defence area. Kashmiris start living in other cities of India. Kashmir will always be a part of India whether it has Kashmiris in it or no. You guys threw Pandits out, now evict Muslims."

Gauahar objected to this saying - "Haha so says a person who is living happily in a building that is 90 per cent Muslims! In an area that has harmony amongst the Koli, Christian and Muslim population who live there. I am proud that at least the Muslims in your building tolerate a bigoted person like you."

The war of words got ugly and it reached a point when Payal started addressing Gauahar as 'gobar' and even mentioned Kushal's name saying Gauahar wanted to convert him to Islam. Payal posted a video talking about the BB winner accusing of her #LoveJihad too.

Read DETAILS: Twitter war: Former Bigg Boss contestants Payal Rohatgi & Gauahar Khan’s catfight goes religious

Payal posted today- "G... २०१९ में करती हैं  - Payal Rohatgi via "."

Payal Rohatgi's distasteful remarks on Gauahar Khan accusing her of Love Jihad

Now Kushal has come out himself in support of his former girlfriend Gauahar.

Kushal just took to Twitter and posted a long note captioning it- " to whome so ever it may concern".

In the long message without mentioning Payal's name he refers to her as "hate spreading woman".

He also denies the allegations Payal is making against Gauahar and disagrees it was Love Jihad.

He began with - "Maturity is realising lots of shit doesn't require one's comment, that's what i was trying to practice all these years by not commenting on things, but you know ma'am i'm humble with just a hint of tupac, I am a Hindu and i can say proudly that once i was in love with a girl and she was and is a muslim.."

While Payal used an old news article to slam Gauahar, Kushal writes clearing the air - "So someone is using a piece of article to wrongfully attack Gauahar, to spread hate and cause her harm".

"Accusing Gauahar of fake terma like #lovejihad is not only criminal but also a LIE! When two people are in love, they discuss their options! In all things like home, food, city to live, careers and faith! It's the coming together of two people! There was nothing wrong for us to have had any such discussions. That article also states how much we loved each other! Which is conveniently ignored by this hate spreading woman[Payal]".

Payal also called 'Gaushal's(term coined by their fans while they were dating) relationship a fake one.

Addressing this, he wrote - "We had a happy bond and continue to do that! N for any1 calling our relationship fake, the world's love was enough for us to know how they loved us together.N continue to love and respect us as individuals."

He signed off the note, saying - "So you can't do no harm to Gauahar with ur lies! Over n Out!"

Here's what Kushal wrote: 

Kushal Tandon comes out strongly to support ex girlfriend Gauahar Khan after Payal Rohatgi accused her of Love Jihad

Kushal Tandon comes out strongly to support ex girlfriend Gauahar Khan after Payal Rohatgi accused her of Love Jihad

Kudos to Kushal for this!