New Delhi: Amitabh Bachchan's 'Kaun Banega Crorepati 12' has managed to impress the viewers with its entertaining episodes. Although, the popular reality show is yet to set the TRP charts on fire, 'KBC 12' has created a lot of buzz on social media. For the first time in history of 'Kaun Banega Crorepati', three women contestants have won Rs 1 crore. It was Nazia Nasim, who emerged as the first crorepati of 'KBC 12'. Within a week, IPS officer Mohita Sharma became the second crorepati of the new season as she walked away with Rs 1 crore. The show scored a hattrick as another female contestant, Anupa Das, has answered the question for Rs 1 crore correctly.

Also READ| Kaun Banega Crorepati 12: Can You Answer These 16 Questions Faced By First Crorepati Nazia Nasim?

Anupa, who is a teacher, belongs to Jagdalpur, Bastar in Chhattisgarh. The 42-year-old told Amitabh Bachchan that she was trying to participate in the show since the past 20 years. She also opened up on her personal struggles, which have made her more determined.

Throughout the game, the smile on Anupa's face never faded. Big B was also impressed with her confidence and praised Das for playing the game so well. As soon as the 'Brahmastra' actor announced that she has answered the Rs 1 crore question correctly, Anupa got emotional and tried to hide her tears.

 ALSO READ | ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati 12’: Can You Answer All The 13 Questions Faced By Swapnil Chavhan?

Anupa, who is the sole bread earner of the family, said that she will use the winning amount for the treatment of her mother. Her mother is suffering from gall bladder cancer. She said that many strangers helped her during the COVID-19 lockdown. Das had her own apprehensions when she came to Mumbai for her mother's treatment but she said that several people assisted her in the city.

She thanked the person, who gave her and her mother a lift during the Coronavirus crisis, on national television. Her words will definitely motivate millions of viewers watching the show. The channel shared a clip from the episode along with the caption, "ANUPA DAS strived her way to reach the hotseat and answered every question with a confident smile. Watch her become the third crorepati, this Wednesday at 9PM on #KBC12, only on Sony TV."

It remains to be seen if Anupa Das will be able to win the jackpot prize of Rs 7 crore or not.

The episode featuring Anupa Das will air on Sony Entertainment Television on Wednesday 25 at 9pm on Sony TV.

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