New Delhi: Ekta Kapoor is all set to launch season two of her popular show ‘Kavach-Kali Shaktiyon Se’ on Colors TV. The supernatural show will replace Surbhi Jyoti and Pearl V Puri starrer ‘Naagin 3’ at the weekend slot. ‘Kavach 2’ will star ‘Diya Aur Baati Hum’ fame actress Deepika Singh Goyal in lead role. ‘Ek Deewana Tha’ actor Namik Paul will romance Deepika in the upcoming show.

We had earlier informed you that ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ actress Shirin Sewani will be a part of ‘Kavach’ season two. As per the latest buzz, the makers of the show have roped in another actor to play a pivotal role.

A report in an entertainment portal suggested that Afzaal Khan has joined the star cast of the show. The actor, who was last seen in Colors TV’s ‘Vish Ya Amrit: Sitara’, will play a negative role in the show.

Afzaal started his career with Balaji Telefilms’ show ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Bahu Thi’ in 2002.

NOT Sayush Nayyar but ‘Kumkum Bhagya’ actor Vin Rana to play the NEGATIVE LEAD in 'Kavach 2'?

“The shoot for Kawach 2 has begun and the story line etched and created for the new season looks really promising,” a source told IWMBuzz.

The first season of 'Kavach' starred Mona Singh and Vivek Dahiya in lead roles. It remains to be seen how the second season will do in terms of TRPs.

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