The twelfth season of popular reality show 'Bigg Boss', hosted by Salman Khan, came to an end in December last year with Dipika Kakar announced as the winner. Ever since then, the contestants of 'Bigg Boss 12' are grabbing headlines for one or the other reason. After making their presence felt in 'BB12',  commoner contestants Saba Khan & Somi Khan, popularly known as 'Khan sisters', now wishes to pursue acting. To improve their skills, Saba & Somi Khan have even enrolled themselves in an acting workshop.

Saba-Somi in 'Bigg Boss 12' (Photo: Colors)

Confirming the same, Saba Khan told a leading daily, "Yes, I am thinking of joining the entertainment industry and I need to brush my skills. I didn’t want to enter the industry without any prior experience and hence have been taking acting lessons. Somi and I are both honing our skills."

Dipika Kakar to share screen space with THIS 'Bigg Boss 12' co-contestant in her next show!

Saba Khan (Photo: Instagram)

It’s been a month since she joined the classes.

Speaking about the same, Saba further told TOI that, "I wanted to learn acting. I want to learn the nuances and have been attending classes daily. It has to be a good character, be it any medium. I didn’t want to enter using my fame."

On a related note, Saba's sister Somi Khan is set to make her acting debut wish 'Bigg Boss 12' co-contestant Deepak Thakur in an upcoming song.

Somi Khan (Photo: Instagram)

Apart from joining acting classes, Saba and Somi have also shifted base to Mumbai and that's why they often get clicked hanging out with Srishty Rode, Rohit Suchanti, Roshmi Banik & other 'Bigg Boss 12' co-contestants.

Here's wishing Somi & Saba all the best!