New Delhi: Ekta Kapoor’s reboot version of ‘Kasautii Zindagii Kay’ has managed to win the hearts of the viewers. The romantic saga, which stars Erica Fernandes, Hina Khan and Parth Samthaan, is doing quite well in terms of TRPs. ‘Kasautii 2’ bagged the number six spot in the latest set of BARC TRP ratings. We had earlier informed you that Hina Khan aka Komolika will make her exit from the show to focus on other projects.

The ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ actress will shoot for her last sequence before taking a break from ‘Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2’ on May 12-13.

The producer of the show, Ekta Kapoor has shared an old video on Twitter and Instagram, dropping a big hint that another iconic character will be introduced in ‘Kasautii 2’.

The TV Czarina said that the hunt for the new Mr Rishabh Bajaj has started. Ronit Roy played the character of Mr Bajaj in the ‘Kasautii Zindagii Kii’. His chemistry with Shweta Tiwari aka original Prerna also helped the show grab eyeballs.

(Shweta and Ronit in Kasautii 1)

"The time has come! To say bye to @ronitboseroy as d iconic mr bajaj! N d search for d new one@begins! I have cast (n not casted’ As someone told me) Ronit in many roles but this remains our most iconic one together @iam_ejf @the_parthsamthaan @realhinakhan @poojabanerjeee @subhavi all have been perfect as anurag Prerna komo Nivi .. willl bajaj match up( hmmmm)," Ekta captioned the video.

It remains to be seen how Mr Bajaj’s entry will affect the lives of Prerna and Anurag.

Check out her post!

Talking about the current track of ‘Kasautii 2’, Komolika is trying her best to remove Moloy Basu from her path. Moloy’s recovery from coma will pave way for Komolika’s exit from the show.

Here's when & how Hina Khan aka Komolika will EXIT 'Kasautii Zindagii Kay'

Are you excited to see Mr Bajaj in ‘Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2’? Tell us in the comments section below.

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