Actor Karanvir Bohra and Teejay Sidhu have welcomed a baby girl recently and the actor has shared a glimpse of her. The little munchkin is the couple’s third daughter after Bella and Vienna. Karanvir took to social media platform Instagram to share an adorable picture of her newborn sleeping on his stomach and he couldn't be happier. He shared a beautiful moment where the baby does't want to sleep in a cot but prefers her daddy instead.
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The actor, who is currently in Canada along with his wife Teejay Sidhu and their twin daughters, wrote in his caption: 'She doesn't want to be in a cot or crib - she sleeps best like this! People will say I am spoiling her too much. But I can't help it - that's the kind of dad I am. She brings out more love in me than I even knew I had.' Karanvir, in his post, revealed that the photograph has been clicked by his wife Teejay Sidhu. He added, 'Sweety, thanks for this picture.'
Karanvir, on Monday morning, shared a video with Raya Bella and Vienna, in which he announced the big news of his daughter's arrival. He wrote: 'You can't even imagine the bolt of happiness going thru my veins... I can't believe that I'm a father of 3 girls....Yahooooo! Life can't get better than this. Imagine ruling the world with these 3 queens in my life. Thank you God for all these angels you have sent! I'll take the best care of them, because they are my teen deviyaan.' He added, 'You can also call me Charlie! #charliesangels.'
Karanvir Bohra and Teejay Sidhu got married in the year 2006. They announced the news of their pregnancy on social media earlier this year. They participated together in the dance reality show Nach Baliye 4.
Karanvir Bohra Makes Her Newborn Daughter Sleep On Him And This Is The Best Thing To See On Internet Today
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
22 Dec 2020 03:39 PM (IST)
'She brings out more love in me than I even knew I had,' wrote Karanvir Bohra
Image: Instagram/@karanvirbohra
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