After getting married in a Hindu ceremony on 12th December, popular comedian-actor Kapil Sharma again exchanged wedding vows with lady love Ginni Chatrath in an Anand Karaj ceremony in Jalandhar yesterday (13th December). The couple got hitched in an intimate ceremony in the presence of their families and close-friends. Post the Anand Karaj ceremony, Kapil shared the first picture on social media with his fans. In the pictures, groom Kapil is looking handsome in a white sherwani with pink turban whereas bride Ginni looked beautiful in a pink lehenga.

Kapil-Ginni's Hindu wedding pic (Photo: Instagram)

Kapil posted a stunning picture on Instagram with the caption, "ਅਨੰਦ ਕਾਰਜ (fun process in English)  @deepikasdeepclicks@kaleereinbykanikakumria"

Check it out below:

Ever since then, various pictures & videos from the couple's Anand Karaj ceremony are doing the rounds on Internet. Check them out below (SWIPE LEFT):

On the professional front, Kapil is set to be back with a bang on small screen with the second season of 'The Kapil Sharma Show' which will reportedly go on-air from this month. Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is producing 'The Kapil Sharma Show 2' in which the comedian will reunite with his old team members including Kiku Sharda, Chandan Prabhakar, Sumona Chakravarti and Rochelle Rao. Whereas, Krushna Abhishek and Bharti Singh will be the new additions.

Here's wishing the adorable couple a very happy married life.

ALSO READ: Here are the pictures from Kapil Sharma-Ginni Chatrath's Hindu wedding!