Popular Star Plus show 'Ishqbaaz', starring Nakuul Mehta & Surbhi Chandna', is one of the most loved shows on Indian Television. The makers are constantly introducing many twists & turns to entertain the viewers and recently, actress Anjali Mukhi entered the show as Anika's (Surbhi Chandna) mother and the actress will soon be seen sporting bald look in the show.

Anjali Mukhi (Photo: Instagram)

Yes, you read that right!

The actress even shared a picture of her bald look on her Instagram account and captioned the image as, "CLEAN BALD...There's always a first time #newexperience # actorslife #ishaqbaaz". Check out the picture here:

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Speaking about her bald look, Anjali told an entertainment portal that, "At first, I was really skeptical about doing this and I was in two minds. I was wondering if this was really necessary and so I had a talk with the creators. They spoke to me and told me how my character has been fighting for the money all this while and this might be a shift from what people are actually hoping to see. But then, I gave the creatives a thumbs-up and I was like, let's do it. We started shooting and it took me around two and a half hours to get the prosthetics done."

‘Ishqbaaz’ actress looks absolutely STUNNING in photoshoot pics!

When asked about the reaction of her fans, she told India Forums that, "The fans saw it and they were like is it for real. But, I am hoping that this turns out to be a good sequence and the viewers enjoy it."

Are you excited for this upcoming track in 'Ishqbaaz'? Do tell us in the comments section below!