New Delhi: Popular TV actor Kunal Jaisingh, who is fondly known for his role as Omkara in ‘Ishqbaaaz’, tied the knot with Bharati Kumar on Thursday (December 20) in Mumbai. The celebrity couple got hitched in a hush-hush ceremony in the presence of their close friends and family members at Iskcon Temple. While Kunal looked dapper in a sherwani, his ladylove Bharati looked beautiful in a red lehenga. The pictures from their wedding are already making waves on social media.

After getting married, the newlywed couple hosted a bash on Thursday evening and it was attended by the likes of Nakuul Mehta, Shrenu Parikh, Niketan Dheer and Mansi Srivastava.

For the wedding reception, Kunal opted for a blue suit and looked dashing as ever. His wife Bharati looked elegant in an orange saree and the couple was all smiles while posing for the cameras. Check out the pictures!

‘Ishqbaaaz’ actors Nakuul, Shrenu, Mansi were seen having a gala time at Kunal Jaisingh’s wedding reception party and the pictures a proof of that.

Kunal and Bharati first met on the sets of their TV show ‘The Buddy Project’ and then started dating. The two lovebirds had a traditional Indian wedding with the pre-wedding festivities like sangeet and mehendi ceremony.

We extend our heartiest congratulations to the newly married couple.

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