Star Plus' 'Ishqbaaaz', featuring popular TV actor Nakuul Mehta, is one of the most loved shows on Indian Television right now. The show, produced by Gul Khan, recently witnessed a time leap post which Nakuul Mehta is playing the role of Shivaay & Anika's son Shivaansh. Whereas, other lead actors - Surbhi Chandna, Kunal Jaisingh, Leenesh Mattoo, Mansi Srivastava and Shrenu Parikh moved out of 'Ishqbaaaz' making their fans sad. But here comes a good news for the fans of Leenesh Mattoo aka 'Rudra Oberoi'.

Leenesh Mattoo (Photo: Instagram)

Reportedly, Leenesh Mattoo might be back on TV with an upcoming show on Star Plus again. Yes, you read that right!

According to India Forums, "Gul Khan, the maker of popular shows, Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon? Ishqbaaz and Nazar is all set to make another show for the same channel. And the makers have approached Leenesh Mattoo to be part of the show."

However, Leenesh or the makers are yet to react on the same.

Leenesh with 'Ishqbaaaz' co-star Mansi (Photo: Instagram)

For the uninitiated, Leenesh Mattoo made his TV debut with a supporting role in popular Star Plus show 'Suhani Si Ek Ladki'. Post which, he bagged the role of 'Rudra' in 'Ishqbaaaz' and became a household name. After the leap in 'Ishqbaaaz', his fans are missing seeing him on-screen and are waiting desperately for his comeback. Now, it has to be seen if the actor will give his nod to the upcoming Star Plus show or not.

Stay tuned for more updates!