New Delhi: Popular TV actress Jannat Zubair Rahmani, who made her small screen debut with ‘Dil Mill Gayye’, recently shot for a music video with TikTok star Faisu aka Faisal Shaikh. The 16-year-old actress won the hearts of the viewers with her performance as Pankti in Colors TV’s ‘Tu Aashiqui’ opposite Ritvik Arora. Jannat bonded quite well with Faisu while shooting for their music video. The beautiful actress, who recently crossed the 6 million followers mark on Instagram, even celebrated Iftar together.

WATCH- SBS Originals: Iftar with Jannat Zubair and TikTok Superstar Mr Faisu

Gossip mills have been buzzing with the rumours that Jannat and Faisal are dating each other. The speculations gained momentum when Jannat shared a photo with Faisal and fans started commenting on the post.

However the actress has squashed all the speculation and cleared the air on her Instagram story. She requested the fans to stop assuming things simply because she posted a photo with someone.

Jannat even said that she was very disappointed with the comments on her post and she asked her followers to comment sincerely.

Check out her Instagram story!

(Source- Instagram)

On the professional front, Jannat was last seen playing the role of Pankti in Suhasi Dhami and Karan Jotwani starrer ‘Aap Ke Aa Jane Se’ on Zee TV.

(Source- Instagram)

Last year, Jannat remained in limelight after she refused to do a kissing scene with 'Tu Aashiqui' co-star Ritvik Arora. Her mother had lashed out at the makers for asking her to do such scenes despite a no-kissing pact in her contract.

Also READ- Jannat Zubair's father doesn't want her to do kissing scenes even at the age of 20!

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