Popular 'Muskaan' lead actor Ssharad Malhotra aka 'Raunak' finally tied the knot with Delhi-based designer Ripci Bhatia last month on 20th April in an anand karaj ceremony in a gurudwara in Mumbai. Later, the couple also got married following Hindu rituals. Newlyweds Ssharad and Ripci completed one month of marital bliss yesterday (2Oth May). On the special occasion, both Ssharad & wife Ripci Bhatia took to her social media accounts and shared adorable messages for each other.

Ssharad-Ripci wedding pic (Photo: Instagram)

Ripci posted few romantic pictures with hubby Ssharad on Instagram with the caption, "And I'd choose you, In a hundred lifetimes, In a hundred worlds, In any version of reality, I'd always choose you ❤ @sharadmalhotra009 #happymonthversary #timeflewby #butwejusmet #ripsha #S&R #happinessisyou"

Take a look at the pictures below:

(Photo: Instagram)

(Photo: Instagram)

(Photo: Instagram)

(Photo: Instagram)

Ssharad too posted a collage of pictures from their wedding ceremonies with the caption, "....and a month just flew by ❤ 20.05.19#monthversery #lovetoall ..S&R @ripci.bhatia Pic courtsey - @garimaat17 ????"

Check out his post below:

On the professional front, Sharad Malhotra was first seen as a contestant in the reality show 'India's Best Cinestars Ki Khoj'. Later, he became a household name after his debut show 'Banoo Main Teri Dulhann' opposite ex-girlfriend Divyanka Tripathi and went on to feature in various popular shows like 'Bharat Ka Veer Putra – Maharana Pratap', 'Kasam Tere Pyaar Ki' among others. In 2012, he also made his Bollywood debut with the film 'From Sydney with Love'.

Heartiest congratulations to the couple!