Mumbai: Sony TV's popular singing reality show 'Indian Idol' is all set to be back on the channel with its tenth season. Three popular names from the music industry will be judging the show this season. The three names are - Anu Malik, Neha Kakkar & Vishal Dadlani. While Anu Malik has been a part of the show as a judge in all previous seasons, singer Neha Kakkar started her career as a contestant on the same reality show. She participated in 'Indian Idol 2' & was among the top 12 contestants. Singer Neha Kakkar is thrilled to return to "Indian Idol", this time as a judge instead of a contestant.
(Photo: Web)
"I'm thrilled and excited to be associated with the one of the best platforms on television in India for singing talent. My singing career began with me being a contestant on this show and now I'm going to judge it," Neha said in a statement to IANS.
"Life has truly come full circle. I instantly took the offer to judge 'Indian Idol' because I know the journey from being judged to judging on the same stage is going to be a memorable experience for me."
Neha Kakkar (Photo: Instagram)
Recalling the time when she competed on the show in 2006, she said: "I still remember the excitement on being shortlisted and selected in Top 10. I will give full credit to the 'Indian Idol' platform for grooming me as a singer and shaping my career."
Though she didn't win the competition, she made a name for herself in Bollywood. Neha is best known for hit tracks like "Sunny sunny", "Manali trance" and "Aao raja".
Singer-composer Vishal Dadlani will join her on the judging panel of "Indian Idol" that will soon premiere on Sony Entertainment Television.
Vishal Dadlani (Photo: Web)
"I can't wait to be on the judges' seat of 'Indian Idol 10'. I have been a part of many reality shows including 'Indian Idol' junior and I have to say that 'Indian Idol' is a class apart from the other music shows on Indian television," he said.
Composer Anu Malik is excited to make a comeback on the show as a judge.
"I have been associated with the show since its inception and have got a chance to see some unique singing talent across the nation. Every experience has been an everlasting one.
Anu Malik (Photo: Web)
"This time, we return with a bang and 'Khabar Phaila Do', we are back with the best singing talent hunt of India. I urge every aspiring singer to come for the auditions."
Auditions will begin from May 1 in Jaipur and then move on to cities like Lucknow, Guwahati, Bhubaneswar, Dehradun, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Delhi and Mumbai.