She is all set to sizzle as the vamp on screen with Ekta Kapoor's 'Kasauti Zindagi Kay 2' where she is reportedly playing the role of Kamolika. And ahead of her new show Hina Khan did another hot photo shoot oozing a lot of oomph! It won't be wrong to call Hina the queen of photo shoots as the TV actress has been doing back to back shoots both traditional and glamorous, she recently returned back from London where she did a bridal shoot for a charity event and now once again the actress sizzled this time in a sexy purple outfit.

Are you excited to watch Hina as Kamolika

Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2: Original Komolika Urvashi Dholakia's reaction on Hina Khan as NEW VAMP!

Hina shared her recent pics on Instagram and no wonder like always the pics are speaking a thousand words, check out Hina's sexy photoshoot pics below: