Popular TV actress Hina Khan shared her first post after her father Aslam Khan’s death on April 20. The ‘Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2’ actress expressed gratitude to the people for extending support to her during the tough times and revealed that she is taking a break from social media.
Hina Khan’s social media handles will now be handled by her team. The ‘Bigg Boss 11’ finalist’s team will keep the fans updated about her upcoming projects on her Twitter and Instagram accounts.
“My beloved father Aslam Khan left for heavenly abode on April 20, 2021. I am grateful to each one of you for checking in on me and my family during these tough times. While me & my family are mourning the loss, my social media accounts will be handled by her team for my upcoming work commitments. Thank you for your support and love,” Hina wrote.
Hina Khan was shooting for her new project with Shaheer Sheikh is Kashmir when she received the news of her father’s demise. Her dad reportedly passed away after suffering a cardiac arrest. The ‘Naagin 5’ actress immediately returned to Mumbai after she came to know about her father.
Many small screen celebs including Arjun Bijlani, Nikki Tamboli, Hiten Tejwani, Vikas Gupta offered their condolence to Hina Khan and her family on social media.
‘Anupamaa’ stars Aashish Mehrotra and Paras Kalnawat also recently lost their fathers.
(This is a developing story, keep refreshing the page for updates)