New Delhi : TV screen's handsome  actor Gautam Rode, who had grown long hair for his role of Karn in Suryaputra Karn, has finally got a hair cut. Since the show has now ended, the actor decided to get a new hair cut.

The actor posted a video on Instagram and didn’t looked happy at all.


Not just this, actor also posted a selfie after that on Instagram. Have a look at this :


In the show, Gautam played a character of a witty and a teenager boy named Karn in the show.Story revolved around Karn who used to hang around his band of boys. Confronted by the discriminating society where talent gets overshadowed by caste & class, Karn became the symbol of youth, who exercised his right to choice and the right to equal opportunities. Show was to get end in January only due to its low TRP but it got extended till May 2016.

Well, Gautam don't be sad, you still look handsome!