TV actor Shabir Ahluwalia, who is currently playing the lead role of Abhishek aka Abhi in Ekta Kapoor's long-running Zee TV show 'Kumkum Bhagya' opposite Sriti Jha, has bagged another project. Along with 'Kumkum Bhagya', Shabir Ahluwalia is set to make his digital debut with ALTBalaji's upcoming web-series titled 'Fixer'. The talented actor will be seen playing the negative & titular role of a fixer in the web-series and will be seen romancing two leading ladies in it. Now according to latest reports, the makers have found Shabir Ahluwalia's leading ladies for 'Fixer'.

Shabir with 'Kumkum Bhagya' co-star (Photo: Web)

'Ragini MMS Returns' & 'Hum' fame Karishma Sharma, who was also seen in popular TV shows 'Yeh Hai Mohabbatein' and 'Pavitra Rishta', has been roped in to romance Shabir in 'Ficer'.

Karishma Sharma (Photo: Instagram)

Sriti Jha to play double role in Kumkum Bhagya? DEETS INSIDE!

Speaking about the same, a source told IWMBuzz that, "Karishma will play a very important role, and will be one of the female leads."

Whereas Bollywood actress Mahie Gill, who recently made her digital debut with ALTBalaji's hit web-series 'Apharan Sabka Katega' will be the other female lead in 'Fixer'.

Mahie Gill (Photo: Web)

However, the official announcement is still awaited.

The upcoming web-series is reportedly based on the story of an ATS officer who gets drawn into Mumbai;'s movie mafia and soon becomes a fixer.

Stay tuned for more updates!